open mic night
Hosted by Pangea Kali Virga + Nico Hough + Vizcaya Museum and Gardens + you, Miami!
July 29, 2023
Videography and Photography by Ryan Swartzlander
Ecotopia was produced by Pangea Kali Virga, created in community workshops and commissioned by Vizcaya Musem and Gardens.
Performances by
Aeon/Blind Carbon Copy - Ana Paz - Emily Peters - Alina - Camila - Maria Llorca - Sasha Mangorre - Miss Bolero - Kyle Forges - Diago - Cesar Andres - Punkwoski - Nico Avello - Nico Hough - Stranger Cat
Relive that beautiful, touching, surprising evening filled with original performances by Miami locals through the video and images below. The full two hour video of the event in all its glory can be seen here forever and is chock full of amazing original performances by some of our local favorites! Melodious music, powerful poetry, fabulous fashion, and so much joy!
Scroll down to see pictures of the entire performance and all of our participants.